Recruitment – can be delivered without 1:1 Feedback

It is recommended that the expertise of a Certified Axiological Analyst is used to advise on the ‘best’ fit to the incumbent team. Additional deliverables could be:-

Onboarding & Development – requires 1:1 Feedback

Simple 3 step Benchmarking Process

3 Step Benchmarking Process – click here

    1. 9 Pathways – Define Values for Benchmark – click here
    2. Select Competency set:-
      1. Manager Competency Definitions – click here
      2. Sales Competency Definitions – click here
      3. Customer Service Definitions – click here
      4. General Competency Definitions – click here
    3. Applicant/Employee value profile against Benchmark e.g.
      • Success Factors for Customer Service with Leadership/Learning/Communication Styles – click here

It is recommended that the expertise of a Certified Axiological Analyst is used to advise on the ‘best’ fit to the incumbent team. Further deliverables could be:-

  • Heat Map (including incumbent team) – click here
  • Team ‘Fit’ (including incumbent team)- click here

One Benchmark Multiple Applications..

  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Needs Analysis
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Identification of Retention ‘hot-spots’
  • Measure Distance travelled
  • Career Management
  • Performance Improvement/PDP
  • Manpower Manning

Development – can be delivered without 1:1 Feedback

  • Sales Styles – click here
  • Service Styles – click here
  • Learning/Communication Style* (requires an additional report e.g. Sales Synopsis)

Coach Development + Coach/Coachee Matching

Outplacement/Career Development – can be delivered without 1:1 Feedback

Outplacement/Career Development – requires1:1 Feedback

Comparative Analysis of Tools in the market place 

Catapult Solutions Ltd is unique in the marketplace, not only because of Axiometrics™ International’s technology that has been developed to allow the generation of enhanced Axiology based reports, but also because of a systems approach to human development. 

Our solutions encourage common language, are data driven, and employ state of the art technology that ensures all information is maintained and correlated in centralized databases. The user is subjected to only one simple profile experience, yet the analysis and reports produced are able to serve multiple functions (i.e. screening, development, team dynamics) while also supporting multiple applications (i.e. leadership, sales, customer service, management). In addition, through Catapult Solutions Ltd, Ai products and services address the needs of individuals as well as all types of businesses and organizations.