Training & Development – Role Specific
Axiometrics® Training and Development reports measures an individual’s performance potential while also providing an accurate picture of their developmental needs. Our complete set of capacity assessment reports support general applications such as customer service and management, while also providing options for specific areas such as health care and security. Through our unique talent benchmarking there is no limit to the training and development assessments that can be developed to fulfil your exact needs based on your unique culture.

Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 customer service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as performance blockers, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey.
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Customer Service Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 customer service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments.
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Includes a graph, synopsis of 26 management dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development and performance improvement comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as performance blockers, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey.
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Includes a graph, synopsis of 26 management dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development and performance improvement comments.
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Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 nursing service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as perfoemance blockers, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey.
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Physician Service Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 physician service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as perfoemance blockers, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey.
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A picture of how you rank in terms of the competencies required for the 9 key stages of effective project management
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Includes a graph, synopsis of 46 sales dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as performance blockers, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey.
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Includes a graph, synopsis of 46 sales dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments.
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Security Officer Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 security officer dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments.
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